Marketing Brand Audit

$ 997.00



Designer Discussions Marketing Brand Audit Overview

Our Marketing Brand Audit is conducted by the Designer Discussions experts Jason, Maria, and Mirjam. It's a comprehensive evaluation designed specifically for design and remodeling businesses, ensuring that every aspect of your marketing aligns with your brand’s goals and industry best practices.

To ensure you fully understand our findings and suggestions we’ll provide, we include a 1-hour call with the full Designer Discussions team. This call offers you the opportunity to discuss the results, ask any questions, and gain further insights into how to implement our recommendations for maximum impact.

DD Marketing Brand Audit:

  • Website Review Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence. We’ll conduct a thorough assessment of your site’s design, usability, content, and SEO performance. This review will identify opportunities to improve user experience, boost search engine rankings, and ensure your website effectively communicates your brand's message.
  • SEO Review Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. We will assess your site’s SEO elements, including keyword usage, meta descriptions, alt text, and overall content structure. This review will highlight areas where your site can be better optimized to improve visibility on search engines and attract more potential customers.
  • Social Media Review We will evaluate your social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google My Business. Our analysis will focus on content quality, engagement metrics, brand consistency, and the effectiveness of your social media strategy. This ensures that your social media presence is aligned with your brand identity and business goals.
  • Content Review Content is key to your marketing success. We will review the quality, consistency, and relevance of the content on your website, social media platforms, and other marketing materials. This includes assessing how well your content resonates with your target audience and supports your overall marketing objectives.
  • E-Marketing & Blog Review If applicable, we will review your email newsletters, campaigns, and blogs to evaluate their effectiveness in engaging your audience. We’ll assess your email list management, open rates, click-through rates, and overall strategy to provide actionable insights for improvement. Additionally, we’ll analyze your blog content to ensure it supports SEO goals and offers value to your readers.
  • PR and Media Review We will assess your current public relations efforts and media coverage to determine how well they are supporting your brand's visibility and credibility. This includes evaluating your press releases, media outreach strategies, and any existing media coverage. Our review will help you identify opportunities to strengthen your PR efforts and gain more media exposure.
  • Recommendations At the conclusion of the audit, we will generate a comprehensive set of recommendations. These actionable insights will guide you in optimizing your marketing efforts, enhancing brand consistency, and driving better results across all channels.